Wednesday, May 2, 2007


I've already been to the gym twice as much as I normally do in one week, which means I've gone twice. I'm contemplating going on Saturday too, which would make a whopping 3 times in one week. Unheard of. And all because I gave a friend a pass to the gym.

My trainer is still taking it way to easy on me; I think it scared her when she broke me. This next workout will be our 4th out of 7, so if she's still babying me I will have to tell her I need to at least break a sweat when I'm working with her. I think she's saving the rip roarin' workouts for the last two, so that she can say "Well, we're just getting going, don't you want to sign up for more and continue?" To which I say, I'm on to you Teach, I do the same thing every semester to my kiddies. I can't even begin to imagine how much these training sessions cost (since the 7 were a gift) but I can tell you that I will not be continuing with them. So I really hope she teaches me something valuable in the next session, or I'm going to ask for another coach for my last 3. Sound harsh? I'm on a tight leash lady. Can't waste my time at the gym being sluggy.

And speaking of, I can feel my body fighting like hell against something yucky and spring-brought-upon. I've tried sleeping it off this week, since it's probably one of the last I'll have to administer such cures before the crunch time sets in. But every evening I hear the Marge Simpson voice creeping out and the sluggish eyelids drooping over the text of my bedtime reading. With weather as nice as it's been lately I hope to spend more time outside enjoying it, and not being clouded in allergy-haven or worse. Of course it doesn't help that I continue to bleed- 7 weeks running now yeehaw- and fear that my fatigue is linked to the constant hemorrhaging. Or even that I might not be exaggerating and that I might Actually be hemorrhaging.

Doctor's appointment on Tuesday. If she tells me again that it's a false alarm I'm gonna set her desk on fire. Or dump blood on it Carrie style.

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