Monday, April 23, 2007


I walked without the cane today, a huge improvment from the gimp that I've been the last week. I think I got a callus on my thumb from whipping that baby around. I kept my date with my trainer, and tried not to make her feel guilt about pushing me last week to crippledom. She actually spent a lot of time "loosening" my back, and relaxing my knee, so I walked out feeling better than I had all week. But BUT she absolutely FORBADE me to go running. Here's the gist:

"You're going to need to rest it for a while, and see a chiropractor because it is your back that is destroying your knees."
"So, I shouldn't jog on Wednesday? Cause I was hoping that I would feel bet..."
"HaHAHAHAHAHAHA. You're kidding!"
"Um, no. I wasn't I just thought if it was feeling better I should tr...."
"No way. I would tell you not to run for 2 months!"
"What, are you training for something"

"So I won't go this Wednesday"

But at least it feels on the mend. I fear she's probably right about the back, but there's really little to nothing I can do, especially with my health insurance running out so soon. Come on Congress, pass that universal health care bill before I'm crippled! For the children, do it for the children!

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