Tuesday, April 3, 2007

What a hoe

I didn't run today, but I did garden for about an hour- and that's exercise right? That's what the health magazines always like to remind you, how many different "everyday" tasks square up to calories burned-- chew a stick of gum? 20 calories. garden for an hour? 150 calories. make love? 480 calories. They throw that one in to show how scandalous good exercise can be. But I'll tell you, the 150 gardening calories, sure hurt a lot more than the 480 lovin's.
I'm achy all over- but I think that is a combination of sitting in a stuffy jury room with other people who are stuck in a stuffy jury room, many of whom are sick, but can't go home or they'll be arrested for not sitting trial; that, and the garden broom that kept on breaking to the point when the handle actually broke off, flew over the yard wall and caused a Dennis the Menace hiding moment. After that I resorted to kicking the dirt into submission, which completed my full body workout.
So because I am achy, and possible infected with juritis, I am going to bed at the unholy hour of 10pm. What is the world coming to.

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